DWP is a natural resource, habitat and land management company specializing in mitigation and conservation “banking.”


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The conservation philosophy of DWP can be observed in the landscape-scale efforts of its projects,  including establishment and progressive management of large areas of the Big Sioux, James and Missouri River basins of South Dakota, and Red and Missouri River Valleys of North Dakota.  Habitat development in such areas results in extraordinary benefits to birds and other important wildlife in these critical flyways of the central U.S.



DWP principals have provided oversight and management of multi-million dollar programs, from sustainable agriculture operations involving thousands of acres, to the development, implementation and management of massive wetland restoration and floodplain management strategies along major rivers like the Missouri and Mississippi.



As a result of the collective experience of DWP’s principals, thousands of acres of wetland and stream habitat have been restored and are under long-term conservation management across the United States, including aquatic resource areas in the Mid-Atlantic, Southeast, and inter-mountain West, and now progressively throughout the Dakotas and Northern Great Plains.

“Dakota Wetland Partners is providing a wonderful opportunity to our family for wetland conservation that will bring value to our farm now and for future generations.”
— Bank Site Host, Deuel County